Professional ID Card Verification
with the Power of AI
Here's why businesses should invest in DiscreetCheck ID
Save time validating identification
Quickly add persons to the system. They complete the process with no further effort by your company required.
Simplify reporting
Use in labor environments, for OSHA purposes, e.g. forklift certification and military verification and other necessary professional verifications.
ATS Integration
We can integrate with all major ATS systems.
FCRA Compliance
We make sure your background checks are federally compliant, including we handle all of your 613 letters when necessary.
DiscreetCheckID Features
Powered by Artificial Intelligence tools such as 'Facial Recognition' and 'Text Extraction', receive instant card verifications.
Individuals information is private and encrypted, no personal information is released, companies receive only ID Card verification.
Add this to your 'Random Selection' background screening and drug program, always have updated cards in employee files.
Instantly verify the person uploading their ID card via 'Facial Recognition.'
Individuals can order personal digitized vaccination card (coming soon), easily shared with entities preferring digitized formats.
The perfect report to use in labor environments, for OSHA purposes, e.g. forklift certification and military verification and other necessary professional verifications.
Verify the person uploading their vaccination card via 'Facial Recognition.'
Employers can run this for all current employees.
Quicklook Demos
Company Demo
Individual Demo
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Book a demo to see the simplicity of DiscreetCheckID in action
DiscreetCheckIn allows you to optimize your work with automated AI powered Applicant/Employee identification. Learn how in a free demo with one of our product experts.
What can you expect from a demo with DiscreetCheckID?
A walk-through of both the Company and Individual processes